Saturday, January 31, 2009

Journal Entry 1

My books recently came in so I just started reading. I'll start my assignments for the current week and go back later on when I have some extra time. Chapter 2 in Critical Reading for College and Beyond was about the importance of Vocabulary and how vital it is for our education and professional futures. I would personally like to expand my vocabulary because I find myself often not knowing how to express my thoughts through words. I know how I feel and what I'm thinking but it is hard to put it into sentences. Hopefully I'll be able to learn new words and rememer them.

Where do you Stand Mind Map

CRCB Chapter 2 Exercises

Exercise 2a
Using Context clues to figure out meaning
1. The child was able to assuage his irate father with a smile and a small kiss on his cheek. A grin slowly replaced the fathers angry frown.
a. Increase b. Soothe c. Losed. d. Handle Answer: B

2. She was so overcome with joy by the birth of her baby that she was able to say nothing other than that the whole experience was simply ineffable.
a. Unhappy b. Fair c. Incapable of being expressed in words d. Quickly forgotten Answer: C

3. Most of us eventually reach our goals, but life’s path to success is often a circuitous one.
a. Straight and certain b. Jovial c. Marked by roundabout or indirect procedures d. Relating to a group Answer: C

4. The preacher took a pedagogic approach with his sermon, hoping that those attending would learn something meaningful from it.
a. Instructional b. Incomplete c. Something that breaks the ice d. To brighten or freshen up Answer: D

5. Although teaching is not a lucrative profession, I know that I wouldn’t want to do anything else. Helping others learn is far more important to me than money.
a. Very rewarding b. Highly Sensitive c. Well Paying d. Highly exciting Answer: C

6. Buying a lottery ticket is a very capricious way to plan for your future. The chances of winning are 1 in 10,000,000.
a. Lazy b. Inventive c. Unhappy d. Unpredictable Answer: D

Exercise 2d
1. Equal
Root is Equ Definition: The same quantity , value or rank
2. Circumscribe
Root is scribe Definition: Encircle, confine.
3. Predict
Root is dict Definition: tell about in advance.
4. Untenable
Root is ten Defintion: Incapable of being defended as an argument or thesis.
5. Current
Root is cur Definition: Belonging to the time actually passing.prevalent or customary.
6. Extend
Root is ten Definition: to stretch out, to draw out to full length.
7. Extensible
Root is ten Definition: Capable of being extended.
8. Scribble
Root is Scribe Definition: to write hastily or carelessly
9. Retentive
Root is ten Definition: Having power or ability to retain or remember
10. Remit
Root is mit Definion: to transmit or send

Exercise 2i
Identify the root in each of the following words.
1. Harmlessly – harm
2. Controversially – controversial
3. Commercialization – commercial
4. Talkatively – talk
5. Mindlessness – mind
6. Simplistically – simple
7. Neighborliness – neighbor
8. Wakefullness – wake
9. Peacefully – peace
10. Sinfulness – sin

Exercise 2j
Define the following words
1. Maltreat: to treat badly, to abuse
2. Autonomous: self governing, independent
3. Emit: to send forth, to give forth
4. Fidelity: strict observence of promises or duties
5. Convey: to communicate , make known, to carry bring or take
6. Equivocal: of doubtful nature or character,questionable, dubious
7. Posthumous;arising, occuring or continuing after one’s death
8. Carnal: pertaining to or characterized by the flesh of the body
9. Misognyist: hatred, dislike or mistrust of women
10. Synchronized: to cause to go at same rate or time

CRCB Chapter 2 Summary

Chapter two is titled “Developing your College Vocabulary” and it is about the importance of vocabulary in the college experience. It explains how vocabulary is extermely vital to one’s education. The more words a person understands, the more understanding they will have of what they read in textbooks. And ofcourse we all know how important comprehension of textbooks are in college especially. Increasing one’s vocabulary opens so many more doors to a person and avenues of research and the ability to succeed academically. This chapter provided a few strategies of learning new vocabulary to strategies to remember them successfully. Ofcourse the best way to learn a new word is to look it up in the dictionary when you across it and one should do that if not immediately, as soon as they get the chance. One other way is to use context clues around the word in question to figure out its meaning. Context clues can be definitely helpful but theymay be not as definitive as ofcourse a dictionary. Prefixes in front of a word change its meaning as suffixes at the end of words can change its tense or make it a noun. The chapter also explains what denotation and connotation are. Denotation is the dictionary definition of a word while connotation is the dictionary definition plus any ideas associated with it by society. Remembering new words can be done by making word maps and using the card review system. Also using new words in your everyday vocabulary will make them a regular staple of your speech.

Where Do you Stand?

Where Do You Stand?
Where do you stand with regard to critical thinking?
I like to think that I myself am a critical thinker. I think it is a good quality to have, if done rightly. I try to look at every situation with all views and come to a conclusion about it.
FEET: What do I stand for as a foundation of critical thinking?
I believe the foundation of critical thinking is independent thought. One should know how to think about something without being told what to think about it. I believe that is the core of it. STOMACH: What upsets me about critical thinking? I don’t think anything really upsets me about critical thinking. Not anything that I can think of right now anyway. I guess people may overdue their critical thinking sometimes by being a little to critical. HEART: What do I love about critical thinking?
I love the freedom of it. I love the fact that I can come to my own conclusion based on facts and truths and not assumptions and falsehoods.
HANDS: What do I feel about critical thinking?
I feel critical thinking is something everyone should do. It is a good brain tool to have when looking at issues or anything really.
EARS: What do I hear about critical thinking?
I do not hear much about it. I hope in taking this class I’ll get to know more about it and hear a lot more about it.
EYES: What do I see about critical thinking?
I see it done everyday all around me. It comes naturally to some and maybe to others they found through experience it is a helpful instrument for their brains.
BRAIN: What do I think about critical thinking?
I think critical thinking is an all around good quality to have. But it should be done right and when facts arise that challenge your beliefs, you should be able to adjust those beliefs to fit the new facts.