Monday, April 20, 2009

CRCB Ch. 11 Reading, Understand and Creating Visual Aids

Ch. 11 is about the importance of visual aids in textbooks or in any reading. Visual aids can help a person better understand what they are learning. They show you how ideas can connect to each other in a quick and easy way. They are learning aids that enhance learning and comprehension. When previewing a text, it is helpful to preview the visual material in it as well. There are six steps when previewing visuals. The first step is to read the title and explanation. Then next step is to check the source of the material. The third step is to look for clues of the purpose of the visual in the headings and labels used. The fourth step is to circle key words and phrases associated with the visual. The next step is to ask yourself what the purpose of the visual is and what information is being presented. The final step is to highlight the main ideas and points to review for an exam. Now there are many different type of visual aids that you will come across as a student and they are used for different purposes. A popular visual aid is charts and tables. These are used a lot in history, economics and psychology. Charts and tables present a large amount of information in a format that makes it easy to decipher. Another visual aid is diagrams. These are drawings that show relation between items. Illustrations are drawings that are detailed and allow you to see parts of a bigger item. Illustrations are used a lot in science and biology books. Graphs are used often as well and the purpose of graphs is to hold very large amounts of information and show differences over time. When studying, it may be helpful to create your own visual aids for study purposes. I never created my own visual aids until this class because we had to make mind maps. I had never even heard of them or encountered them before so I wasn’t sold on them. But surprisingly, they really do work. When I make a mind map, all of the information on it I can recall very easily later and they work very well for studying before tests.

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